1. Inconsistant
In order to lose weight, you have to commit to a consistent workout and eating plan. Decide when and where you are going to workout. Decide what your workout will be ahead of time and don't let yourself be sidetracked. Working out first thing in the morning is a really good idea, because other things have a way of coming up and interfering with your plans. Getting a good workout in once or twice a week is not enough for most people. Aim for at least three workouts per week. Five or six days would be better if you are having trouble dropping the weight. I am a big believer in the effectiveness of shorter workouts. Even if you don't have the time to commit to an hour, get in what you can.
Try food journaling. Statistically, people who write down what they eat do better. Make sure you count every bite. The handful of crackers you eat when packing your kids lunch is probably about 100 calories. Also, plan your snacks and meals ahead of time. When you are famished you are less likely to make great food choices.
If you are still having trouble being consistent, try accountability. Get a friend to workout with and check in with each other. Try hiring a trainer. Start a weight loss competition at work.
2. Stress
Your body is not great at dealing with on-going stress. Stress causes an increase in the hormone cortisol. Our hormones are what regulate appetite. This is especially a problem if you are an emotional eater. To get your stress under control, look at what you can change in your life to make it less stressful. A lot of stresses are beyond our control, but you can counter that a bit by taking control of the things you can. Also, try to find things you enjoy. Yoga is an effective stress buster for many people.
3. Inadequate Sleep
People who don't get enough sleep tend to take in more calories.
4. Rewarding with Food
After a good workout it's easy to justify a little treat, but it may just be sabotaging you efforts. Find other ways to reward yourself that do not involve food. If you are really serious about losing weight, you may have to forgo your favorite treats for a while.
5. Medical Problems
There are many medications that can interfere with weight loss; birth control, Steroids, and antidepressants just to name a few. Also hormone imbalances and thyroid disease can sabotage your efforts. If you are having trouble losing weight, it might be worth it to see your doctor.
6. Plateau
If you have been losing weigh and suddenly your weight loss stops, you may have hit a dreaded plateau. The best way to overcome a plateau is to change things up. Try a different workout. You may need to increase your intensity and frequency. Also, as you get closer to your goal weight it generally becomes more difficult to lose. You will need to be very conscious of nutrition.
7. You Don't Need to Lose Weight.
It is possible to be over fat, but not overweight. Consequently, even though you are exercising, you may not see the number on the scale dropping. That is because you are building muscle as well as losing fat. A better way to track your progress would be to have your body fat checked.
I hope these tips help and inspire you!
In Health,