Thursday, April 19, 2012

Raising a Lifelong Learner

I copied the following from   I know it has nothing to do with fitness, but I know that positive thinking and loads of encouragement are always healthy for our kids.



Seven Steps to Raising a Lifelong Learner
1. Define their learning style. Figure out if it’s primarily:
  • Visual—learns best by seeing teacher demonstrations, diagrams on board, pictures in books.
  • Auditory—learns best by listening to lectures, discussions among class- mates, even audio books.
  • Kinesthetic—learns best by doing, engaging with the environment, role playing.
  1. Enlist help. Partner with your child’s school to implement a program that encourages success.
  2. Keep focused. Help your child work on what needs to be worked on first, finish it, and then move on.
  3. Celebrate success. Praise kids often for what they’re good at and encourage continued growth in those areas.
  4. Stay positive. Don’t allow children to define themselves by limitations: “I’m no good at math” or “I’m a bad reader.”
  5. Track progress. Spotlight how hard they try, how far they’ve come.
  6. Provide perspective. Let them know that you make mistakes, that perfection isn’t the goal, and that errors are an opportunity to learn. 

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